Mastering Home Climate: Solutions for Perfect Indoor Air Quality
It's beautiful outside, but it's hard to breathe at home. No matter what you
do, too much dryness or humidity… Sound familiar? Here's how to keep the air
fresh and crisp at home.
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Do you want to easily save money on heating? Equip your home with a smart
heating system. We'll tell you how much you can cut costs and how easy it is to
set up heating with Tesla products and apps.
Do you want to easily save money on heating? Equip your home with a smart heating system. We'll tell you how much you can cut costs and how easy it is to set up heating with TESLA products and apps.
Energy prices have sky-rocketed in recent times, so it is beneficial for every household to try to cut costs. Every penny saved helps. In addition, what you save can be used elsewhere.
Everyone likes to be comfortable and no one wants to freeze on the couch in a bobble hat while watching a movie. So the key is not to reduce your comfort, but to use a solution that kind of thinks and acts for you. Smart heating helps.
„Lowering the temperature by one degree will save around 5% on heating costs. With smart heating, the savings are completely hassle-free.“
Maintaining the ideal room temperature is essential for proper heating. Experience shows, that Czech households are often over heated.
However, few people regulate the temperature at the radiator control valves more than once a day during the heating season or turn the heating off during room ventilation. Hand on heart, who wants to deal with this all the time and manually tighten and loosen the valves. In the morning before you go to work, when you come back, when you go to bed...
If you were to follow the rules for proper heating, you would have to stick to the following ideal values:
Manually setting the ideal temperature throughout the day is simply unrealistic. You're away from home most of the day and when you come back, you want to come into a warm house.
But there is another way to do it. If you use conventional hot-water radiators the solution is a thermostatic valve from TESLA, which automatically regulates and maintains the set temperature in the room. You also need the TESLA Hub along with the TESLA app, which is free.
The thermostatic valves TESLA Smart Thermostatic Valve and TESLA Smart Thermostatic Valve Style are both great smart solutions. They are easy to install, and the temperature can be controlled to 0.5 °C. At the same time, you can set a weekly heating schedule or switch on the minimum energy consumption mode.
But it's only with smart heating control via the TESLA Smart app that you take control to the next level. For example, you can:
In practice, you hardly have to worry about heating control at all. In doing so, you can save up to tens of percent on your heating costs each year.
Once connected to the thermostatic valve via the TESLA app, a wide range of settings are available. This is what the main screen looks like in the app:
Are you going to your weekend house and want it to be nicely heated when you arrive? Just switch on the desired mode remotely and you will be greeted by a heated room.
Have you been playing sports and now you're soaked to the bone? Just use the app to crank the heating up on the way home and you'll feel like you're in a feather duvet.
But with that the possibilities of setting up smart heating are just beginning...
In the Tesla app, you can create your own custom automations. The controls are very simple and intuitive. On the main screen, click on the "+" icon to expand the "Create Scenario" menu. This takes you to the automation settings.
Then choose the settings as required. In our demonstration, we have set up an automation to change the temperature setting when it is sunny outside. If it is sunny outside the temperature is automatically lowered to 19 °C.
Setting automations is quick and easy. It can be done in a matter of seconds. Ideally you should first try it out in the app.
Some automations require use of a smart sensors. For example, if you want to create automation based on humidity changes, you need a smart sensor to monitor temperature and humidity.
All the functions can be set up not only within smart heating, but also on all smart home products. That's when you start to get comfortable...
The basic element you need to connect to the smart heating system is the central control unit – TESLA Smart ZigBee Hub. It is a control unit that allows you to control thermostatic valves with a smartphone app. Connect it to your home Wi-Fi and you can control your heating from anywhere via the internet.
You also need the TESLA app and TESLA thermostatic valve. And if you want to use, for example, the function of automatic switching on when you arrive/leave home, you must be equipped with a motion sensor.
A smart home doesn't have to be complicated. TESLA devices are easy to use at any age.
From smart sensors to smart TVs. And what's more, TESLA products get along great and cooperate.
A single app is all you need to control all your TESLA devices. In English as well as other languages.
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