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How do you share smart products or your entire home with other users?

Editorial office of TESLA Editorial office of TESLA 17. 8. 2023

Tips and tricks

6 minutes reading

Once the smart products are up and running, we usually have another task ahead of us: How to make them available for use by other household members? We will show you how to set everything up correctly. And importantly, how to avoid the most common mistakes.

The absolutely basic rule is: Do not share the main, administrator account with other users! Each user should have their own account in the TESLA Smart app and be assigned certain rights. This way you will save yourself a lot of time and hassle. 

How do you share smart products or your entire home with other users? Set everything up correctly 

Once the smart products are up and running, we usually have another task ahead of us: How to make them available for use by other household members? We will show you how to set everything up correctly. And importantly, how to avoid the most common mistakes. 

The absolutely basic rule is: Do not share the main, administrator account with other users! Each user should have their own account in the TESLA Smart app and be assigned certain rights. This way you will save yourself a lot of time and hassle. 

Why should I not allow anyone else to access the administrator account? 

Simply so they don't mess up your settings or even cut you off completely. Imagine the following unpleasant situations that could occur when you share an account: 

Situation 1) 

Your parents look after your kids once a week. For the home to function properly they need access to smart heating products, an air purifier or maybe a smart baby camera. At the same time, you know that your parents are not very tech-savvy. If you give them access to your administrator account with full control, a situation may arise where they press something by mistake. This could alter the setup of the whole product. And if they accidentally press more than that, it could upset your entire household. And you don’t want that. 

Situation 2) 

There are several smart products in your shared apartment, including security cameras. If your flatmate moves out, you need to remove their access. So you have to change the password for the administrator account. And if, God forbid, you have a bad break up, he (or she) could do it first. 

Who should I share access to smart products with? 

From the situations described above, it is probably clear to you that only someone who has the whole smart home under their control and understands it should have access to the administrator account. But for smart products to serve others well, they need to be able to access them. 

Who might need an account? 

  • Children and grandparents 
  • Babysitters 
  • Flatmates 
  • Neighbours who keep an eye on your house sometimes (while you are on holiday)
  • Other family members who you might share a weekend house with. 

How do you get out of it? Each user must have their own account. The administrator then invites others to use the products in the home. 

How can I add others to share products and homes? 

You can invite another user to use the products in two ways: 

1. Share the entire home - This will allow you to control all products in the household.

2. Share only certain products - This is useful if, for example, you only want the children to be able to control products in their room. 

Step by step: Sharing the entire home 

1. When you launch the app, click on the My Profile icon at the bottom of the screen.

2. Then click on Home Administration.

3. And choose the home that you want to add another member to. 

4. Select Add Member and a menu will open with several options for adding a member. You can send them an e-mail or SMS invite. If they already have the TESLA Smart app, you can add them directly through their account. 

5. Once the other party accepts the invitation, the home is displayed in the TESLA Smart app. Devices can thus be operated in the role of an ordinary member. 

Step by step: Sharing individual products 

1. On the main page of the TESLA Smart app, click the Home icon at the bottom of the screen. 

2. Click on the product you want to share with another user. 

3. In the product details, click on the pencil icon in the top right corner of the screen. 

4. Select Shared Devices, followed by the purple Add Sharing button. 

5. This will open a menu with several add options. You can send an e-mail or SMS invite. If they already have the TESLA Smart User app, you can add them directly through their account. 

6. Once the other party accepts the invitation, they will see the product in the TESLA Smart app and be able to control the device. 

What roles can users have in the app? 

There are two roles in the TESLA Smart app - administrator and ordinary member. 

  • Administrator is usually the person who has set up the entire home, put it into operation and will continue to manage it, keep it running or change its settings. 
  • Ordinary member is a role that the administrator sets for all other users in the home. They can control individual devices and change their scenarios, but not manage them (i.e. change automations, etc.). 

How do you verify which role a user has? Go to the section My profile > Manage Home. Then you select a household, click on a household member and you will see their role. 

How do you assign a user the role of Administrator? If the person really has your full trust, under My Profile > Manage Home and click on Member Roles. You will be taken to Role Settings, where you select Administrator. 

Three final rules 

The bottom line is to keep the following rules in mind when sharing your smart home with other users: 

1. We do not share the administrator account. 

2. 1 user = 1 account in the TESLA Smart app. 

3. We assign the role of administrator after careful consideration of all the pros and cons. 

Now you know why. 

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